Can I be in band and other activities such as athletics?
Yes. The positive relationship between the fine arts programs and the athletic department is something that we value greatly. There has never been a situation that we have not been able to work out between programs. Our philosophy in the band program is to provide as many opportunities as possible for students.
How much time does band require?
We know that the summer band and fall semester can look intimidating. Please recognize that with all of your hard work you receive fine arts and P.E. credit. Marching band usually lasts until the second week of November. If you are in the Marching Band there will be afternoon rehearsals. The after school rehearsal schedule becomes much less intensive during the spring semester.
Can I take Pre-AP or AP classes and be in band?
Of course! At PHS we take pride not only on our success with our music and performance, but on the academic achievements of students as well.
Am I good enough to be in the band?
Absolutely! You have participated in a fantastic middle school program that has equipped you with all of the necessary skills to be in the high school band!
Should I be afraid of marching band?
Marching Band is a new and exciting opportunity! You will have plenty of chances to acquire all the skills necessary to thoroughly enjoy your experience in marching band. Did you every imagine that you would be this great a musician after your first week in beginning band class?
What if I can't memorize music?
Think through the Bb concert scale. Do you have that memorized? How did you do that? Exactly, through repetition. You will have more than enough time in concert band and marching band to memorize the music.
Do I have to take PE if I am in Marching Band?
No. Marching Band is a PE credit.
How do you decide who makes marching spots for Marching Band?
We take notes about marching throughout the Spring and Summer. This is combined with your band placement audition from the Spring to determine who will be in marching spots for competition. Previous rehearsal etiquette, eligibility, and attendance is also factored into the final results.
How are students placed in the different bands (i.e. Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Honors Band, and Wind Ensemble)?
All students have been placed in a band class based on auditions that occur at the end of the school year. If a student demonstrates that they are playing at a level of a different band class, we will make adjustments at the semester break. The directors encourage all students interested in moving up a level to practice the All-Region music. The Wind Ensemble and Honors Band students are required to learn the All-Region music. When comparing students on the same music, it is easy to see if band adjustments are necessary. Percussion students will audition during the Fall Semester to determine their band placement for the Spring Semester.
How do I join the Colorguard/Winterguard?
The Colorguard is the auxiliary squad of the marching band and is open to both males and females. This specialized group hosts auditions in the Spring for the following Fall semester. During the Spring, the Colorguard participates as a Winterguard in various competitions. If you are interested in being in Colorguard, please contact our Colorguard director.
Can I participate in band for only half of the school year?
No. We require all band students to participate fully in both marching and concert band unless extenuating circumstances arise. Please speak with a PHS band director for more information.
What do double-reed players do during marching season?
Double-reed players can choose to audition for the Colorguard or make a seasonal switch to a new instrument for marching season. Many of our double reed players find great success participating in the Front Ensemble of the percussion section during the marching season; allowing them to continue taking lessons, working and refining their skills as a double reed player throughout the fall marching season.
What should we do if my student has a conflict with a rehearsal, game or other performance scheduled on the band calendar?
Generally, attendance at all rehearsals, games and performances is mandatory. It is expected that band will be a priority, so please consult the band calendar before scheduling other appointments. If you do have a conflict with any band events, contact the director immediately. Early communication is key.